Web Developer & Designer


I value success in terms of character, self-awareness, honesty, emotional intelligence and hard work.


I aim to make through my life something important for myself and my country


l like Reading, Writing, Graphic Design, Writing in Arabic calligraphy


About me

I am Abdallah, a computer engineer, from Gaza. As of now, I work as a journalist for a media agency. I know that's a bit weird, but I don't mind weirdness because I enjoy discovering new things all the time. It's a hobby to me. On another note, I really love to read. I also like to write sometimes because I know that words are powerful in a magical way. My dream is not big and it's not small, either. I dream of making good impact on myself and every one I encounter. Well, if you read this far, then you know almost the most important things about me.

My skills

I have some skills in Graphic design and some knowledge in graphic motion videos. Moreover I developed few project for desktop using java language and oracle database. I practiced html and css and I have a good background about the latest version of theses two.



Java/Oracle database


Motion Graphic


Graphic Design


My education

I finished my high school at 2008 with grade "very good" directly I signed up to study math in the Islamic university and graduated in 2012 also with grade "very good".

But I felt like I am missing something and left that path and signed up in the university again to study what I have dreamed of since I was child, studying computer engineer and this month I will graduate with bachelor degree

Bachelor in mathematics

Islamic university of Gaza / september 2008 / May 2012 80.23%

Bachelor in computer engineering

Islamic university of Gaza / september 2015 / May 2018 80.3%

Work Experience

I practiced math teaching career for two years in UNRWA schools. And I have practiced my hobby as a graphic designer which led me to work for the government for quite time as a graphic designer and as journalist "can you believe that !" . yes I learned many skills in deferent fields .Moreover I have launched an e-marketing project called "jawla"with some of my friends.

Math teacher

UNRWA / June 2013 2 Years

Junior Designer

Palestinian zakat institution / May 2014 3 months

Grahpic Designer

Government /May 2014 4 Years

My Acounts links

Contact Me

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123 Street Name
Ansar Area

Email: mr.abdallahsafi@gmail.com
Phone: 00972599698617